Adoption, for our family, was certainly a step in faith and... a call from God. He tested us to see if we would simply say, "Yes" - and when we did, He blessed the journey and has been faithful ever since.
Now that we're all adjusted, it seems we can continue to help orphans, which I believe is the ministry God has forever laid on our hearts. Something we enjoy doing, as a family, is volunteering for Kids Against Hunger (KAH). Recently, we participated in KAH's Million Meal Marathon, in which all of the food packed, was flown to Africa to feed starving children, including orphans. It is an honor to participate in this effort, and I know it pleases God which is the ultimate goal.
James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
Some people have faith, and some people put their faith into action which is what we try to do and what we teach our children to do. We only have one life on this earth, so we might as well do things that draw us closer to Jesus, until we're able to be with Him someday in heaven.
Now that I've seen what I've seen, in Russia, I am forever changed. (I believe I speak for my husband, as well.) I find myself in a daily battle between my flesh and my spirit. I know there is more work to be done over there, and at the present, we're praying about what God wants us to do. The key however, as we now know through God proving his faithfulness, is when He calls... just being prepared to say... Yes.
(Double click on the photos to enlarge. Participating were: Kevin, Emily, Karis, Evan, and Karrigan. AND members of our 4-H club.)
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