A snapshot into what her future held...

A snapshot into what her future held...
Zhukovka, Russia

Our Sweet Sveta

As of January 2013... our sweet 13-year-old loves her school, her friends, loves sports such as volleyball, basketball, and gymnastics... and she LOVES to do all kinds of arts and crafts. She is involved in 4-H and takes rabbits and scrapbooking as projects. She still gives us lots of hugs daily, waves many times before getting onto the bus each morning, and snuggles up during Sunday church service. She attends youth group on Wednesday nights and has gotten to be a true prayer warrior, herself. Karis Yulia is a beautiful girl, both on the outside and inside!

Older post:
As of December 2010... we have met our beautiful girl... Yuliya ("Julia" in English). We spent a week with her at the orphanage in Bryansk, Russia. She was everything we had imagined and more! Her adoption should be finalized in March 2011.

Older post:
I wish so badly that I could post Sveta's photo for all of you; however, our agency won't allow it until we have the "official" referral of her.
(For now, just imagine our Evan as a girl! Sveta greatly resembles her brother which is how we knew, right away, she is our daughter!)

Bryansk Home

Bryansk Home
My two favorite colors together seem to be common in Bryansk homes.