We are presently working on our dossier. If you don't know what that is, dictionary.com gives this definition:
a collection or file of documents on the same subject, esp. a complete file containing detailed information about a person or topic.
We will need to take the dossier with us to Russia, and it will be reviewed by the court. Anyhow, while talking with the agency, I asked what gifts we should bring to the orphanage, when we go in October. I was told to bring... shoes! Shoes for girls ages 10-16. Well, it's never a problem to shop for shoes! (It's a girl thing, I suppose!) Anyhow, while out picking up some groceries at Wal Mart, I noticed a huge bin of clearanced girls tennis shoes. Of course, this peeked my interest after just getting off the phone with the agency. Let's just say... SCORE! All sizes of tennis shoes at huge, clearanced prices! Again, I think God was looking out for us!

Deuteronomy 33:25
Thy shoes shall be iron and brass; and as thy days, so shall thy strength be.
So, of course, the soles of our shoes, these days, aren't plated with iron or brass. I'm sure it's more like rubber and plastic. None the less, may these shoes that I am blessing, right at this very moment, help provide STRENGTH... to all of the orphans in need.
Em, you are awesome! I love the scriptures! It's getting closer!