The Thanksgiving feast began, and delight was on Karis' face! It was the meal she had been waiting for and inquiring about for 7 straight days after learning about it and the Thanksgiving holiday, at school. When asked her favorite Thanksgiving food- she spoke with conviction... "The turkey!"
It was surreal watching her, as she sat at the dining room table, surrounded by our family... our daughter- a living, breathing soul who brings so much joy to our lives, daily. Last year at Thanksgiving, she was merely a dream... a photo on the refrigerator.
Also, last year, at Thanksgiving, my sweet sister announced she was pregnant. (Her first.) This past year, she and I enjoyed the ups and downs of pregnancies together- her's biologically and mine, pregnant through adoption. How blessed we both are now that our "harvests" are in, in the form of two new additions to the family... Vivienne Lucille and Karis Yulia. What can I say, except, we are blessed... our family is over-flowing with abundant blessings!
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