A snapshot into what her future held...

A snapshot into what her future held...
Zhukovka, Russia

Monday, April 14, 2014

A Modern-Day Passover Celebration!

Any idea what the above is?

Ok, check out the below...

 It was Evan's idea that for one of our Passover meals this week, 
that we use french fries as our houses,
and put ketchup above our doorways, 
signifying how the Israelites prevented the angel of death from coming in.

Do you see it now?

 Then they are to take some of the blood and put it on the sides 
and tops of the doorframes of the houses where they eat the lambs.
Exodus 12:7

By the way, the first photo above is Evan's house,
the second is Karrigan's house,
the photo below is my house (turned on it's side)...

And, also, on it's side is Karis' house which is really cool with it's triangular roof!

 Since my husband was working tonight, and Miss Karrigan had soccer, we decided McDonald's was an easy option to begin our Passover celebration.

Our family traditions for the Passover aren't actually "traditional"... as you can see.

We are modern-day Christians celebrating the 
New Testament Passover 
which freed us from the darkness of sin.
Thank you, our King of Kings, Lord of Lords... JESUS...
for finding us worthy enough to free.

So, we pray at our booth, inside McDonald's...
We remember the blood of the Lamb that was shed, 
in both the Old Testament and 
New Testament
(Jesus is the lamb)...

And we talk about what a special week it is... 
Passover begins at sundown!

Who says you can't celebrate the Passover at McDonald's?

Somehow, I don't think Jesus minds.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Bringing Easter to Life!

HE lives!


Of course...
Yet, sometimes, we forget...
We don't place our full FAITH, front-and-center in our lives...

It is my goal, this Easter season, to bring to life... the life of Jesus.

My kiddos love their Easter bunnies.  (Our real Lionheads, down in the basement.)

They love coloring eggs... and all of the chocolate that comes in the Easter basket!


I want them to understand, the TRUE meaning of Easter...

What Jesus endured on this particular week...

 (Crafted by Evan, today)

I want them to understand Jesus' roots (Tribe of Judah) and what the Passover means...
That word "Passover" they see on the calendar.
And both the Old Testament Passover and the New Testament Passover.

In case, it has never been explained to you,
The Old Testament Passover is when GOD delivered the Israelites (Jews)...
Out of Egypt.
So, it's a celebration of FREEDOM.

The New Testament Passover, celebrates FREEDOM, as well...
How GOD sent JESUS, to set us all free.

I love this time of year...
Even more so, this particular year, as our whole family is going deep into it.

We decided today, Palm Sunday, what our plans are for the week...
All based on our giftings.

Karis, the crafter, will make an Easter craft everyday this week, as she remembers Jesus.
(She made the tomb centerpiece, pictured above.)

Evan, gifted with wisdom, will introduce us to different Bible verses, this week.

Karrigan, the artist, will draw a different scene about Jesus' life, this week.

Kevin, the head of the household, will pray for our family each day, this week.

And I, the meal-maker, will come up with some traditional, Easter foods...
Some from the Jewish Passover.

I hope our ideas this week, will inspire your families to delve deep into all HE did for us...

To this you were called,
because Christ suffered for you,
leaving you an example,
that you should follow in his steps.
1 Peter 2:21


("Happy Holiday" in Hebrew)

Sunday, April 6, 2014

MONSTER sized fun!

 I have an interesting job that has brought Monster Jam monster trucks into our lives!
Yesterday, at the show, my kids went into character as a zombie and butterfly!
 Of course, my Karie-Bearie isn't "Bad News" but this particular Monster Jam monster truck was!
 The driver of "Zombie" didn't fool us... he's no zombie, he's actually a sweet guy... the kids enjoyed meeting him.
 Karie-Bearie knows mom and dad were married in Hawaii,
so she chose to have a tropical flower painted on her face!  
Much less intimidating than Evo the zOmBiE!
 Karie-Bearie did her homework (thanks to brother), and she made this poster and rooted for "Crushtation"!
I'm sure in Russia, never in a million years did she imagine,
she would come to like, of all things, monster trucks...
 and quite honestly... neither did I.

Bryansk Home

Bryansk Home
My two favorite colors together seem to be common in Bryansk homes.