We've always felt that it's important that our kids are growing: spiritually, academically, socially, and... physically.
That's why we usually say "ok" when our kids express an interest in sports.
Kids learn valuable skills through sports... like how to work on a team.
They get lots of good exercise.
They build confidence.
We are blessed to have a great sports program, at our school.
Last night, the athletes were awarded...
This was Karis' volleyball team.
Volleyball is the sport she truly loves.
Congrats, Karis!!!
Next, came Evan's basketball team.
Congrats Evan!!!
Evan, by the way, got A LOT of cheers from the ladies in the audience. Yikes!!!
Then, Karis was awarded her basketball trophy...
Yay Karis (again!) !!!
Until next year...
Hooray for sports!
I Corinthians 10:31
So whether you eat or drink or... whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.