A snapshot into what her future held...

A snapshot into what her future held...
Zhukovka, Russia

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thankful for this little Indian...

And this little turkey...

And this little football star and his dad...
Psalm 107:1 
"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever."

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Busy but intentional

Wow! We have been busy lately! I'm thankful the holidays are amongst us, as I hope to slow down a bit, and just take in... family.
I will say however, even during the running, our hearts are in the right place... pursuing our family's ministry of orphan care.
I took the above photo, during one of our trips to Russia.  I promised God I'd never forget what I saw or how it made me feel. So... two things lately. First, a bake sale that I helped Karis coordinate at her school.  We baked... and baked... and even little sister, Karrigan, got in on the action!
In just one hour, we raised $60.50 for World Light Foundation, an organization that provides housing for orphans in Ukraine. Lots of yummy treats were sold by this group.
Most recently, all three of our children participated in Operation Christmas Child which is an annual affair in our household.  If you're unfamiliar, check out the website:
Karis, Evan, and Karrigan enjoyed picking out (and sorting) all of the items to include in their shoe boxes.
They sorted... and sorted... and sorted...

They wrote letters...
And they prayed before bed.
As our family begins to slow down this holiday season and enjoy our time together, we won't forget the 143 million who don't have the love of a family.  Hopefully, this very small gesture, of shoe boxes filled with holiday goodies, will help brighten the holiday... of at least three.

Bryansk Home

Bryansk Home
My two favorite colors together seem to be common in Bryansk homes.